Veranstaltungshinweis: Miel Maya Honing – International Webinar on sustainable beekeeping

Liebe Mitglieder, liebe Interessierte,

Vielleicht für Euch von Interesse? Am 12. März 2023 von 13:00 bis 17:30 Uhr lädt Miel Maya Honing zu einer Online-Veranstaltung in englischer Sprache ein.

Hier geht es zum Programm.

Hi everyone!

The international webinar on sustainable beekeeping from Miel Maya Honing is approaching fast! It will happen on the 12th of March from 1 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. (GMT + 1) and it will tackle nutrition and feeding of the bees.

This webinar follows our other webinars on sustainable beekeeping. In 2021, we focused on the queen and this year, we will talk about the feeding of bees and the necessity or not to feed them.

You are, of course, invited. In order to sign up, you may visit our website, where you will find a subscription link to zoom.

This webinar will be translated into English and into Spanish.

Here attached you will find the program of this beautiful day along with the advertisement banner: don’t hesitate to share the event with your contacts and on social media!

We hope to see you on the 12th of March for an afternoon dedicated to sustainable beekeeping.

For a better future for our bees!


Have a beautiful day,
Aliénor Petit
Responsable journalisme et communication
Miel Maya Honing

Andreas Zoelzer
1. Vorsitzender